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Parent Guide to Assessments (PDF)


When a student is ill, call the school Attendance line at (505) 831-5400 ext.58897 before 9:00 am on the day of the absence. The voice prompt will ask you the following:

  • student's name
  • parent/guardian name
  • teacher
  • reason for absence

The child's teacher should also be notified in the event of extended absences due to illness, out-of-town trips, family emergencies, etc.

Absences cannot be changed in the computer after 3 days. Please make sure to call the attendance line when your child is absent.All absences must be phoned in by a parent/guardian, to 831-5400, leaving the reason for the absence on the school attendance line. Absences which are considered "excused" are for illness, family emergency, bereavement, and some ceremonial holidays. Vacations taken during calendared school days, will not be considered "excused".

All absences for illness lasting three (3) or more days in a row, require a doctor's note in order to excuse the absences.

Any child who has reached five (5) unexcused absences is a child considered "in need of intervention". We will be contacting parents to set up a meeting to help resolve this issue. A student who has reached ten (10) or more unexcused absences, may be referred to the Truancy Officer for further interventions.

If you need help with attendance issues or have any concerns, please contact your child's teacher or the School Counselor. We are here to help ensure your child gets to school every day, so they can learn and develop good habits for success in school.

APS Attendance Process for Schools

A parent /guardian must notify the school each day that the student will be absent in accordance with the notification procedure established by the school. Only the student's parent/guardian may report an absence.

If a child has symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, cough or vomiting, please, consider keeping them home.

A doctor's excuse is REQUIRED when a student has either a doctor or dentist appointment.

Elective appointments (dentist, vision, and well-child check-ups) should be scheduled outside the instructional day. If this is not possible, documentation from the doctor's office MUST be provided to the office the following day.

A parent/guardian shall keep the school informed of their current address and phone number for emergency notifications.An ABSENT CALL, from the APS District's automated system, will be sent out to the parent/legal guardian at 10:30 am and again at 4:30 pm if the student is not recorded as present

Absences may be EXCUSED for the following reasons with appropriate documentation:

  • Illness (including chronic illness documented in a health plan, IEP, or 504 plan)
  • Limited family emergencies; family deaths
  • Medical, health or legal appointments
  • Suspensions
  • Religious commitment
  • Deployment of a military parent as defined in the "Military Children procedural directive"
  • Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal

ALL absences for other reasons are UNEXCUSED including

  • Family vacations outside normally scheduled school break
  • Non-school sponsored activities or trips
  • Half day absences will be added together to equal a full day
  • Absences follow the student throughout the school year, from semester to semester and from school to school
  • The parent/ legal guardian of those students who reach the 3-day unexcused absences will receive a phone call
  • The parent/ legal guardian of those students who reach the 5-day unexcused absences will receive a phone call and will be required to sign an attendance contract with the school staff
  • The parent/ legal guardian of those students who reach the 10-day unexcused absences will receive a written notice of habitual truancy by mail or by a personal delivery

Tardy Policy

Students are tardy if they arrive after the 2nd bell at 7:43 a.m. All students must be signed in by a parent/guardian, near the front office to receive a tardy slip.

Chronic Absenteeism or Tardiness will be reported to the APS Truancy Office. The student's status will be evaluated for possible violation of the NM Compulsory School Attendance Law and may be referred to the Albuquerque District Attorney's Office. A referral to NM Department of Children, Youth, and Families for Educational Neglect will also be made. Parents of children with chronic conditions may contact the Principal or School Counselor for further information about support systems.

Students absent for 10 consecutive days without notifying the school as to the reason will be automatically withdrawn.

Cell Phones / Electronic Devices

The student who possesses a personal electronic device shall be solely responsible for its care. These devices shall be kept out of sight and powered off or silenced during the school day. If a student is caught using a cell phone or any other personal electronic device during the instructional day, including recess it will be confiscated and given to the office immediately.

When a cell phone or personal electronic is confiscated, the following return process will be followed:

  • 1st offense: the student's parent/guardian may retrieve the personal electronic device the next day. Parent/guardian must sign the personal electronic device out from the log kept in the office.
  • 2nd offense: the student's parent/guardian may retrieve the personal electronic device in 7 days after the date of confiscation.
  • 3rd offense: the student's parent/guardian may retrieve the personal electronic device at the end of the semester in which the device was confiscated.

Dress Code

Student dress and grooming is to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student's attire promote a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school. APS Board of Education has approved a policy which states that students at SRM will wear standard uniform dress. Students who come to school out of uniform will receive a warning and a phone call will be made home to bring appropriate dress code clothes to the school.

Students will refrain from wearing anything which promote negative behaviors (profanity, violence, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, bigotry, disrespect, or gangs) or that is highly distracted and or disruptive. This includes jackets and hats.


Solid Colored Shirts (Boys and Girls): Any solid color polo.

  • collared polo or blouse
  • shirts must be worn tucked in
  • turtleneck (mock or regular)
  • short or long sleeves, NO sleeveless


Solid Colored Pants (Boys and Girls): Black, khaki, navy, and denim.

  • straight-legged, regular cut
  • pleated or plain front
  • fitted at the waist
  • neither baggy or tight


Solid Colored Skirts (Girls): Black, khaki, and navy.

  • pleated or straight skirt or skort
  • must fall below the fingertips when the student's arms are at his/her side


Solid Colored Shorts (Boys and Girls): Black, khaki, navy, and denim.

  • must fall below the fingertips when the student's arms are at his/her side


  • flip-flop sandals are strongly discouraged

Student Drop-Off / Pick-Up

School safety is one of the greatest responsibilities we face as a community on a daily basis. We need to work together to ensure that our students safely enter and exit our school campus. Together, we must also make sure the rules are followed for parent pick up and drop off. The rules are designed for the safety of our students.

Parents may NOT enter the front parking lot for the purpose of pick up or drop off. The front parking lot can be a safety hazard as there is not enough room for parents to enter and exit with reasonable driving space and students are in harm way as they may run from vehicles and are not seen by other vehicles. The front lot is reserved for staff, handicap usage, and visitors who have school business such as a meeting, parent conference, etc.

  • Parents parking on the 72th Street and Juniper Rd need to remind students that they MUST use the sidewalk to the crosswalk and be crossed by the APS crossing guard.
  • Parents please drop off/pick up lanes prescribed at the east side of our building.
  • Parents must not leave their children on the school campus longer than 15 minutes either before of after the school day.
  • School grounds are not supervised except during school day.
  • If extenuating circumstances prevent a family from picking up a student on time, the school must be notified within 15 minutes of the end of the school day.
  • If students are repeatedly left on campus outside of the school day hours, an administrator will attempt to contact the family to discuss the problem. Is the problem continues, the student may be considered abandoned and the police will be notified/ Such children may be subject to transportation to a designated state shelter.